LogosLink Programmer's Guide · LogosLink Programmer's Interface version 2.0.0


LogosLink has been designed for modularity, so you need to be concerned only with the packages that you need for your application.

The LogosLink architecture is shown below.

LogosLink architecture
Red boxes indicate LogosLink standard packages, and arrows indicate dependencies between them.

The elements in the diagram are these:

  • Your App represents the application that you are developing on top of LogosLink.
  • CorpusEngine is the LogosLink standard package implementing corpus creation and management.
  • AgencyEngine is the LogosLink standard package that implements agency analysis, including the creation and management of question sets and agency models.
  • ArgumentationEngine is the LogosLink standard package that implements argumentation analysis, including the creation and management of argumentation models.
  • OntologyEngine is the LogosLink standard package that implements ontology analysis, including the creation and management of ontologies.
  • ContextEngine is the LogosLink standard package that implements context analysis, including the creation and management of contexts.
  • TeamEngine is the LogosLink standard package that implements team and analyst management.
  • Common is the LogosLink standard package that implements common infrastructure for other packages.

When you develop your application, you don't need to reference all the standard packages, but only those that are relevant to you. For example, if you are developing an application to create and process some ontologies, you would probably need to reference the OntologyEngine and Common packages only.

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