LogosLink Programmer's Guide · LogosLink Programmer's Interface version


The LogosLink Programmer's Interface is composed of a collection of Microsoft .NET Framework component libraries that you can reference from your project. In this manner, you can develop your own software tools on top of LogosLink, integrating it seamlessly with your application.

You can download the LogosLink Programming Libraries and installation instructions from the downloads web page .

If you are not familiar with the LogosLink, please refer to the LogosLink User's Manual before continuing here.

Using .NET Framework libraries

You can use the LogosLink Programmer's Interface from any .NET Framework application. The usual setup to do this includes:

All the above technologies and products are free to download and use.

You may be able to use the LogosLink Programmer's Interface from non-.NET applications, but this usually involves third-party bridging technologies.

Sample code

Look at the following C# code snippet:

using Incipit.LogosLink.ArgumentationEngine;

var mo = ModelManager.CreateModel("Test");
var sp = mo.AddNewSpeaker("Alice");
mo.Discourse.AddNewLocution(sp, "It's sunny today.");

This code creates an argumentation model named Test, and then adds a speaker plus a locution to it. Let's imagine we want to do the same, but inside a corpus:

using Incipit.LogosLink.CorpusEngine;
using Incipit.LogosLink.ArgumentationEngine;

var cor = CorpusManager.CreateCorpus("Test", "C:\\Temp\\TestCorpus");

var doc = cor.AddNewDocument(cor.RootFolder, "A Sample Document");
var mo = doc.CreateModel();

var sp = mo.AddNewSpeaker("Alice");
mo.Discourse.AddNewLocution(sp, "It's sunny today.");

This code creates a corpus named Test, adds a new document titled "A Sample Document", creates an argumentation model for it, and adds a speaker plus a locution to this model.


Through the LogosLink Programmer's Interface you can do this and much more, including:

  • Create, open and save corpora, argumentation models and ontologies.
  • Add, modify and delete documents in a corpus.
  • Organise corpus documents by using labels, topics and authors.
  • Perform advanced filtering and define manual and smart collections on a corpus.
  • Clean up text of many documents in a corpus.
  • Automatically synchronise documents in a corpus, and generate automatic titles or determine their languages.
  • Search and replace text within a corpus.
  • Obtain statistics for a corpus, and perform a variety of analyses such as co-occurence, significance, readability, denotation, or intertextuality.
  • Create, open and save argumentation models, either stand-alone or within a corpus.
  • Add, modify and delete argumentation model elements such as locutions, transitions, propositions and argumentation relationships.
  • Obtain statistics for an argumentation model, and perform a variety of analyses such as participation, centrality, argumentation structure, or denotation.
  • Create, open and save ontologies, either stand-alone or embedded in a corpus, topic or argumentation model.
  • Add, modify and delete ontology elements such as categories, atoms, values or references.
  • Obtain statistics for an ontology.
  • Connect ontology elements to argumentation model elements.
  • Package and unpackage corpus content, and import or export corpus, model or ontology data from/to text files.

Check out the Architecture section of this guide to find out how the LogosLink Programmer's Interface is organised, or browse through the Reference section to learn the details of each class, property and method in the libraries.

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