LogosLink User's Manual
LogosLink version 2.0.0
Context Coverage Analytics (Argumentation Model)
Context Coverage analytics shows the degree of overlap between elements in the argumentation model and elements in the embedded context.
This is useful to evaluate how much of the context is referenced by the argumentation model, and how much of the argumentation model references the context.
This allows you to weight precision and recall differently.
Typical values are between 0.5 and 2.0.
See the Details section below for more information.
Results are given as a set of tree tables, one for the coverage itself, and one for each kind of applicable element in the embedded context.
Overall data
This is the degree of coverage (overlap) between the argumentation model and the embedded context.
Overall weighted.
This is the degree of coverage (overlap) between the argumentation model and the embedded context, but applying the β parameter to weight precision and recall differently.
Please see the Details section below for more information.
An overall coverage of 0% indicates that the argumentation model contains no elements linked to the embedded context.
An overall coverage of 100% indicates that the argumentation model and the embedded context fully overlap, that is, all the applicable elements in the argumentation model are linked to the context, and all elements in the context are linked to elements in the argumentation model.
Tree table
The tree table shows a hierarchy of argumentation model and context element kinds, with some details for each one.
Data in the tree table is aggregated hierarchically.
For example, the data for "Speaker" and "Proposition" are added up and shown under "Argumentation Model Element".
For each element kind, the following data are shown:
Element kind.
This indicates the kind of argumentation model or context element for which data is provided.
Cover count.
This shows how many elements of the kind are linked to the other model.
For argumentation model elements, this indicates how many of them are linked to context elements; for context elements, it indicates how many of them are linked to argumentation model elements.
Total count.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist.
This shows the percentage of the cover count in relation to the total count.
The Coverage value for the "Argumentation Model Element" entry in the tree table indicates how much of the argumentation model references the embedded context.
Similarly, the Coverage value for the "Context Element" entry indicate how much of the context is referenced by the argumentation model.
Linked Themes
The tree table shows the themes in the embedded context plus any linked propositions in the argumentation model.
The number of linked propositions for each position is indicated on the right-hand side column.
Linked Positions
The tree table shows the positions in the embedded context, organised by theme, plus any linked propositions in the argumentation model.
The number of linked propositions for each position is indicated on the right-hand side column.
Linked Agents
The tree table shows the agents in the embedded context, organised by theme, plus any linked speakers in the argumentation model.
The number of linked speakers for each agent is indicated on the right-hand side column.
This analytics employs a precision and recall approach.
Precision is interpreted as how many argumentation model elements are linked to context elements (i.e. how "precise" the argumentation model is in capturing its context), whereas recall is intepreted as how many context elements are linked to argumentation model elements (i.e. how much context is "recalled" by the argumentation model).
Similarly, the overall and weighted overall coverage measures are calculated as F1 and Fβ scores , respectively.
Values of β between 0 and 1 make precision more important than recall in calculating the weighted overall coverage.
Contrarily, values of β above 1 make recall more important than precision.
See Also
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last updated on 19/02/2025 10:51