LogosLink User's Manual · LogosLink version 2.0.0

Centrality Analytics (Corpus)

Centrality analytics shows what elements in a corpus plus dependent models are more connected to others, that is, are more central. This is done by aggregating results from individual ontology and argumentation model Centrality analytics together.

This is useful to estimate the relative importance or relevance of different entities in the corpus and its dependent models.


  • Agent. If a reference context exists and you select an agent, only the propositions of speakers linked to this agent will be taken into account when aggregating argumentation model centralities.


Results are given separately for each kind of dependent models (ontologies and argumentation models), plus aggregated. For each of these, results are presented as a set of lists and tree tables.


The total number of ontologies used by the analytics is shown at the top as "Count". Ontologies are gathered from the following sources:

  • Dependent ontologies of active documents.
  • Embedded ontologies in topics of active documents.
  • The ontology embedded in the corpus, if it exists.

The list shows the entities in the reference ontology, plus some details for each one.

For each entity, the following data are shown:

  • Key, Identifier and Name. These show the main details of the entity.
  • Super+Sub Relative. This is the average super-type plus sub-type centrality of the entity.
  • Type+Instance Relative. This is the average types and instances centrality of the entity.
  • Connections Relative. This is the average connection centrality of the entity, relative to the theoretical maximum.
  • References Relative. This is the average reference centrality of the entity, relative to the theoretical maximum.
  • Overall Relative. This is the average overall centrality of the entity, relative to the theoretical maximum.
Linked Themes

The tree table shows the themes in the reference context, plus some details for each one.

For each theme, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the average overall centrality of the entities linked to the theme.
Linked Positions

The tree table shows the positions in the reference context, organised by theme, plus some details for each one.

For each position, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the average overall centrality of the entities linked to the position.
Linked Agents

The tree table shows the agents in the reference context, organised by theme, plus some details for each one.

For each agent, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the average overall centrality of the entities linked to the agent.
Argumentation models

The total number of argumentation models used by the analytics is shown at the top as "Count". Argumentation models are gathered from the following sources:

  • Dependent argumentation models of active documents.
Linked Themes

The tree table shows the themes in the reference context, plus some details for each one.

For each theme, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the average overall centrality of the propositions linked to the theme.
Linked Positions

The tree table shows the positions in the reference context, organised by theme, plus some details for each one.

For each position, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the average overall centrality of the propositions linked to the position.
Linked Themes

The tree table shows the themes in the reference context, plus some details for each one.

For each theme, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the weighted average overall centrality of the linked theme.
Linked Positions

The tree table shows the positions in the reference context, organised by theme, plus some details for each one.

For each position, the following data are shown:

  • Centrality. This is the weighted average overall centrality of the linked position.



See Also

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