LogosLink User's Manual
LogosLink version 2.0.0
A corpus is a dataset containing documents, labels, topics and authors.
Corpora consist of a collection of elements plus relationships between them.
A corpus is a container for documents plus other related things, such as labels, topics and authors.
A corpus may contain an embedded context, ontology and question set.
In addition, each topic in a corpus may contain an additional embedded context, ontology and question set.
Each document in a corpus may also contain a stand-alone dependent context, ontology, argumentation model and agency model.
Working with corpora
A corpus is stored in a directory on your computer.
The corpus directory contains a CorpusDatabase.llc file that contains all the information for the corpus, together with other files for sources, texts and dependent stand-alone datasets.
You can create a corpus by opening the backstage and clicking New, Corpus.
You can also create a corpus by unpacking a corpus package.
To do this, open the backstage and click New, Corpus from Package.
You can open an existing corpus by opening the backstage and clicking Open.
You can save a corpus by clicking the Save button on the Home ribbon tab, or via the Save and Save As commands in the backstage.
In order to save a corpus, it must be open for read/write.
See Also
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last updated on 19/02/2025 10:51