LogosLink User's Manual
LogosLink version 2.0.0
Word Frequency Analytics (Corpus)
Word Frequency analytics show the most common words across the active documents in the corpus.
This is useful to quickly find out what the active documents in the corpus are about.
Include numbers.
If you check this box, number words (such as "17" or "-0.25") are also included in the results.
Include codes.
If you check this box, code words (such as "UNESCO" or "SARS-CoV-2") are also included in the results.
Case sensitive.
If you check this box, words that differ only in case (such as "word" and "Word") are treated as different words.
Results are given as some overall data and a chart.
Overall data
Word count.
This is the number of individual words in the aggregated text, once stop words have been discarded.
Word class count.
This is the number of word classes in the aggregated text, once stop words have been discarded.
For example, the text "Spain is a country in Southern Europe. Other countries in Europe are France and Italy" contains 8 non-stop words but only 7 classes, as one word class, "Europe", appears twice.
The chart shows the count and frequency of the most common words across the corpus documents.
You can select how many words you want to display from the drop down box in the toolbar.
For each word, the count is shown as a bar against the bottom horizontal axis.
The frequency is shown logarithmically against the top horizontal axis.
See Also
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last updated on 19/02/2025 10:51