LogosLink User's Manual
LogosLink version 2.0.0
Corpus Package
A corpus package is a special file that contains a complete or partial corpus, including the associated document files.
You can use packages, for example, as a way to back up your corpus or to send it over email to others.
A corpus package is a compressed file on your disk that contains information from a corpus.
This includes corpus elements (such as documents, labels, collections, etc.) as well as document text and source files plus dependent stand-alone model files.
Creating packages
You can create a corpus package by opening the backstage and clicking Export, Package.
Only the active documents and their associated elements (labels, topics, authors, files, etc.) are saved into the package.
If you want to put the complete corpus into the package, make sure that no filter or collection is active.
Once a package has been created, you can use it as any other file on your system.
This means that you can copy or move it, or send it over email to someone if you want to share your corpus with them.
Using packages
You can use a package in two ways:
You can merge the package into an existing corpus by opening the backstage and clicking Import, Package.
This reads the package contents and merges them into your corpus.
You can re-create the original corpus by opening the backstage and clicking New, Corpus from Package.
This creates a new corpus and populates it with the contents from the package.
Exporting a subset of a corpus into a package and then importing it into another corpus is a convenient way to transfer information between corpora.
Exporting the complete corpus into a package is a good way to create a backup copy of your corpus.
You can store periodic backups in a secure folder so that you always keep a fresh copy of your work in case of an accident.
You can also send a package over email or share it in any other way to give others access to your data.
See Also
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last updated on 19/02/2025 10:51