LogosLink User's Manual · LogosLink version 2.0.0

Merge Another Question Set into Yours

Merging allows you to bring over the elements in another question set into yours. This is particularly useful if you have just created a blank agency model with an empty question set and you want to populate it with questions from an existing question set.

Follow these steps to merge another question set into yours:

  1. Open LogosLink Desktop.
  2. Open the question set that you want to merge into yours, by clicking on the Open button in the Home ribbon tab. Alternatively, open the backstage and click on Open to select or browse for a question set. LogosLink Desktop shows the question set in a new window.
  3. Now, open your question set by following the same steps as above. Alternatively, if your question set is embedded into an agency model, open the agency model and then click the Edit Question Set in the Home ribbon tab.
  4. Make sure you are working with your question set into which you want to merge another. If not, switch to the window for your question set.
  5. Click the Merge button in the Home ribbon tab. A dialog box will show.
  6. Select the source question set that you want to merge into yours. The first question set that you opened should show in the list. Select it and click OK.
  7. LogosLink Desktop will merge the elements from the source question set into yours. Click the Reload button in the Home ribbon tab to make sure that you are seeing all the elements just merged.

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