LogosLink User's Manual
LogosLink version 2.0.0
Model Propagation
An embedded model can be propagated into other models that are "downstream".
Propagation is useful to carry out any changes that you have done to a model into other models.
Some models exist in a hierarchy.
For example, a corpus can have an embedded ontology.
Each topic in the corpus can also have its own ontology.
And documents in each of the topics can have, again, its own ontology.
In this manner, the ontology in the corpus, the ontologies in the topics, and the ontologies in the documents constitute a hierarchy.
In situations like these, it is a good practice that each ontology is a more detailed version of the ontology one level up.
For example, the ontologies embedded in the topics should be similar to that in the corpus, perhaps adding some additional concepts that are particular to each topic.
And the ontologies for each of the documents should be a refined version of the one in the associated topic, perhaps adding some additional concepts again.
In this manner, ontologies in a corpus are arranged in a "tree", which has its root at the corpus level and branches out downwards through the topics, and has "leaves" at the document level.
Propagating means that any changes that you make to one ontology are carried over to ontologies that are "downstream" from it.
For example, you can propagate the corpus ontology into the topics, or even into the documents.
Or you can propagate a topic ontology into the documents of that topic.
During propagation, elements from the source model are added to the destination model it they don't exist already.
Similarly, elements in the destination model are updated from the matching elements in the source model.
Elements in the destination model are never deleted.
To determine whether a source element exists in the destination model, or to match source and destinations elements, LogosLink Desktop uses the elements' identifiers.
Propagation works with various kinds of models.
Argumentation models
From within an argumentation model, you can propagate:
The embedded context into:
- The context embedded into the argumentation model ontology
Agency models
From within an agency model, you can propagate:
The embedded context into:
- The contexts embedded into the agency model ontology, argumentation model and question set
The embedded ontology into:
- The ontology embedded into the embedded argumentation model
From within a corpus, you can propagate:
The embedded context into:
- The contexts embedded into the corpus ontology and question set
- The contexts embedded into stand-alone dependent ontologies, argumentation models and agency models of active documents
- The contexts embedded in the topics in the corpus
- The stand-alone contexts of documents in the corpus
The embedded ontology into:
- The ontologies embedded into stand-alone dependent argumentation models and agency models of active documents
- The ontologies embedded in the topics in the corpus
- The stand-alone ontologies of documents in the corpus
The embedded question set into:
- The question sets embedded into stand-alone dependent agency models of active documents
- The question sets embedded in the topics in the corpus
- The question sets embedded in stand-alone agency models of documents in the corpus
Topics in a corpus
From within a corpus topic, you can propagate:
The embedded context into:
- The contexts embedded into the topic ontology and question set
- The contexts embedded into stand-alone dependent ontologies, argumentation models and agency models of active documents of the topic
- The contexts embedded in the sub-topics of the topic
- The stand-alone contexts of documents of the topic
The embedded ontology into:
- The ontologies embedded into stand-alone dependent argumentation models and agency models of active documents of the topic
- The ontologies embedded in the sub-topics of the topic
- The stand-alone ontologies of documents of the topic
The embedded question set into:
- The question sets embedded into stand-alone dependent agency models of active documents of the topic
- The question sets embedded in the sub-topics of the topic
- The question sets embedded in stand-alone agency models of documents of the topic
Documents in a corpus
From within a corpus document, you can propagate:
The embedded context into:
- The contexts embedded into the document ontology, argumentation model and agency model
The embedded ontology into:
- The ontologies embedded into the document argumentation model and agency model
See Also
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last updated on 19/02/2025 10:51