LogosLink User's Manual
LogosLink version 2.0.0
Conceptual Density Analytics (Corpus)
Conceptual Density analytics show how many model elements exist per unit of text, aggregating results from individual ontology, argumentation model and agency model Conceptual Density analytics.
This is useful to assess how much information is packed into the text contents of ontologies, argumentation models and agency models in the corpus.
Results are given separately for each kind of embedded models (ontologies, argumentation models and agency models), plus aggregated for the corpus.
For each of these, results are presented as a tree table.
The total number of ontologies used by the analytics is shown at the top as "Count".
Ontologies are gathered from the following sources:
- Dependent ontologies of active documents.
- Embedded ontologies in topics of active documents.
- The ontology embedded in the corpus, if it exists.
The ontologies tree table shows a hierarchy of ontology element kinds, with some details for each one.
The hierarchy also includes context element kinds.
Data in the tree table is aggregated hierarchically.
For example, the data for "Category" and "Atom" are added up and shown under "Entity".
For each element kind, the following data are shown:
Element kind.
This indicates the kind of element in the ontologies (or the embedded contexts) for which data is provided.
This shows how many elements of the kind exists in the ontologies or context.
Per sentence.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per sentence in the text content.
Per word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word in the text content.
Per NS word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per non-stop word in the text content.
Per char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per character in the text content.
Per WF char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word-forming character in the text content.
Argumentation models
The total number of argumentation models used by the analytics is shown at the top as "Count".
Argumentation models are gathered from the following sources:
- Dependent argumentation models of active documents.
The argumentation models tree table shows a hierarchy of argumentation model element kinds, with some details for each one.
The hierarchy also includes context element kinds.
Data in the tree table is aggregated hierarchically.
For example, the data for "Locution" and "Transition" are added up and shown under "Discourse Element".
For each element kind, the following data are shown:
Element kind.
This indicates the kind of element in the argumentation models (or the embedded contexts) for which data is provided.
This shows how many elements of the kind exists in the argumentation models or context.
Per sentence.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per sentence in the text content.
Per word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word in the text content.
Per NS word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per non-stop word in the text content.
Per char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per character in the text content.
Per WF char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word-forming character in the text content.
Agency models
The total number of agency models used by the analytics is shown at the top as "Count".
Agency models are gathered from the following sources:
- Dependent agency models of active documents.
The agency models tree table shows a hierarchy of agency model element kinds, with some details for each one.
The hierarchy also includes context element kinds.
Data in the tree table is aggregated hierarchically.
For example, the data for "Speaker", "Entity" and "Response" are added up and shown under "Agency Model Element".
For each element kind, the following data are shown:
Element kind.
This indicates the kind of element in the agency models (or the embedded contexts) for which data is provided.
This shows how many elements of the kind exists in the agency models or context.
Per sentence.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per sentence in the text content.
Per word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word in the text content.
Per NS word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per non-stop word in the text content.
Per char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per character in the text content.
Per WF char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word-forming character in the text content.
The aggregated tree table shows a hierarchy of abstract model element kinds, with some details for each one.
The hierarchy also includes context element kinds.
Data in the tree table is aggregated hierarchically.
For each element kind, the following data are shown:
Element kind.
This indicates the kind of element in the models (or the embedded contexts) for which data is provided.
This shows how many elements of the kind exists in the models or context.
Per sentence.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per sentence in the text content.
Per word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word in the text content.
Per NS word.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per non-stop word in the text content.
Per char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per character in the text content.
Per WF char.
This shows how many elements of the kind exist per word-forming character in the text content.
See Also
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last updated on 19/02/2025 10:51