LogosLink User's Manual · LogosLink version 2.0.0

Create an Embedded Corpus Ontology

An ontology can be embedded in a corpus. A corpus ontology can define the major concepts that are valid throughout the corpus, and propagated to topics and documents as necesary.

Follow these steps to create an embedded corpus ontology:

  1. Open LogosLink Desktop.
  2. Open a corpus by clicking on the Open button in the Home ribbon tab. Alternatively, open the backstage and click on Open to select or browse for a corpus. LogosLink Desktop shows the corpus in a new window.
  3. Click on Create Ontology on the Home ribbon tab. If this button is not showing (an Edit Ontology button appears instead), this means that the corpus already has an embedded ontology. The Create Embedded Ontology dialog box shows.
  4. Select how you want to create the embedded ontology:
    • Create blank will create a blank ontology that you can populate later on.
    • Merge from root topics having ontologies allows you to create the corpus ontology by merging together one or more ontologies from root topics in the corpus. This is useful if you already have topic ontologies and wish to "abstract it out" into the corpus.
    • Merge from documents having ontologies allows you to create the corpus ontology by merging together one or more ontologies from documents in the corpus. This is useful if you already have document ontologies and wish to "abstract it out" into the corpus.
  5. Click OK to create the ontology. LogosLink Desktop shows a blank Ontology window for the newly created ontology. This ontology is embedded in the corpus, so it will be saved together with it.

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